How does it work

Whether you have an existing account or not,
we will be happy to help you.
 Easy to use

A single ad can be published with one click in many ad sites. The added pictures are optimized for the selected sites. The administration of the announcements can also be done from the mobile phone.


The process of adding ads is done transparently,the progress being reported in real time on the administration page. If an ad is not successfully added, it will be reported and not counted.

 Reduce ads costs

Your ad is published in the biggest ad sites and the chances of the first customers appearing from the first ad are very high. Your ad will be able to reach the first pages in the search engines.

Automation of the posting process

Manually adding an ad to a single site can take around 10 minutes. Many sites can reject the ad because of the size of the pictures (Minimum size or maximum size limits) and this could make it difficult to add an ad.
Using an automatic solution, you can add an ad to several ad sites in just a few minutes. The pictures are automatically resized for the selected sites, without losing quality.

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Why post on classifieds sites?

Using classified advertisements helps you to target your marketing to the locations where you conduct business and contact individuals who are likely to buy your products or services. Many online classified services let you choose the locations you serve, so your ad will appear when potential clients search for businesses like yours near their home.

A lot of user visit classified websites and has a lot of traffic as posting ads is free of cost here. The benefits that are: First benefit is that you will get a lot of traffic from here; Get a good and quick response for your ads; Increase your brand value by posting ads.

Grow your business for free
